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In order to finalize your registration, please read our policies, initial and sign. Thank you!

Medical Policy for Non-Shows


At FIG Health Pediatrics, we are committed to providing quality care and ensuring the best possible experience for all of our patients. In order to maintain efficient operations and accommodate the needs of all patients, we have implemented the following policy regarding missed appointments:


  • First Missed Appointment:

    • For the first non-show, there will be a $75 charge. We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and we appreciate your understanding in these situations.

  • Second Missed Appointment:

    • For the second missed appointment, a non-show fee of $125 will be charged. We kindly request your understanding as this fee helps cover the costs associated with the missed appointment and ensures fairness to other patients who could have utilized that time.

  • Third Missed Appointment:

    • Upon the third missed appointment, a non-show fee of $200 will be charged. We kindly remind you of the importance of honoring scheduled appointments, as repeated missed appointments disrupt our ability to provide timely care to all patients.

  • Discharge from the Practice:

    • Should a patient miss three appointments without adequate notice or explanation, we regretfully inform you that we will need to discharge the patient from our practice. We understand that finding a new pediatrician may be inconvenient, but it is necessary to ensure the continuity of care for our patients who are committed to their appointments.


We sincerely hope to avoid any inconvenience or discomfort for our patients, and we encourage open communication to address any concerns or challenges that may arise. If you have any questions or need to reschedule an appointment, please don't hesitate to contact our office.



Late Cancellation Policy


Cancellation Policy Updated 2024


At FIG Health Pediatrics, we value the time of both our patients and our medical team. In order to ensure efficient scheduling and provide quality care to all patients, we have implemented the following policy regarding late cancellations:


Cancellation Notice Requirement:

  • If you must cancel or reschedule your previously booked appointment, we kindly request that you provide at least 48 hours' notice

  • Should you have a last minute event we kindly ask that notify us not later than 24 hrs before appointment time. 

  • Notice of cancellation must be communicated via phone call 860-375-5088 or patient portal. 

  • Please ensure that your cancellation notice is received before 24 hours of the scheduled appointment time to avoid forfeiture of your session.


Late Cancellation Fees:

  • First Late Cancellation:

    • We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and therefore, there will be no charge for the first late cancellation, within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment. We kindly ask that you notify us as soon as possible if you are unable to make your scheduled appointment.

  • Second Late Cancellation:

    • The second late cancellation will be treated as a first NO SHOW. Please refer to No Show Policy.

  • Third Late Cancellation:

    • Will be treated as a second No show. Please refer to our No-Show Policy. 


Discharge from the Practice:

  • Should a patient accumulate more than three late cancellations without adequate notice, we regretfully inform you that we will need to discharge the patient from our practice to ensure the efficiency of our scheduling and the premium quality of care for the rest of our patients.

Vaccination Policy Statement


At FIG Health Pediatrics, our primary commitment is to the health and well-being of our patients. In line with the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), we strongly advocate for adherence to the recommended vaccination schedule.

Key Points of Our Vaccination Policy:


  • Adherence to Recommended Schedule:

    • We endorse and encourage adherence to the CDC/ACIP recommended vaccination schedule, as it is designed to provide optimal protection against vaccine-preventable diseases.


  • Education and Support:

    • Our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive education, answering questions, and offering guidance to families regarding all medical interventions, including vaccinations.

    • We offer extended visit times, flexible scheduling options, community immunization classes, vaccination drives, and same-day appointments to facilitate access to life-saving immunizations for children.


  • No Endorsement of Alternative Schedules:

    • We do not endorse or recommend any alternative vaccination schedules, as research shows that vaccine refusals and delays increase the risk and prevalence of preventable diseases.

    • We strongly oppose vaccine avoidance, as it poses significant risks to the health of the children in our practice and the broader community.


  • Medical and Religious Exemptions:

    • Medical exemptions must meet specific criteria and undergo review and approval by our medical board. We do not provide exemptions based solely on parental choice or validate religious exemptions.


  • Transfer of Care:

    • Failure to meet the criteria outlined above may prompt a conversation regarding the alignment of medical views. In such cases, we may recommend and assist patients in transferring to another medical practice that better aligns with their views on preventive health and pediatrics.

    • Each decision regarding transfer of care is made on a case-by-case basis, with careful consideration of the individual circumstances involved.


I affirm my full support for the vaccination policy outlined above. By signing below, I acknowledge my agreement and commitment to upholding this policy to the best of my abilities.                                                                         

Privacy Notice




This notice serves to inform you about your protected health information, its usage, and your rights regarding it. We kindly ask you to review it carefully and address any queries before signing. Should you have any questions about this notice, please direct them to Fig Health Pediatrics.


Our Pledge Regarding Protected Health Information:


At Fig Health Pediatrics, we recognize that your protected health information is personal and confidential. We are dedicated to safeguarding your health information and adhere to strict privacy practices. This notice applies to all records of your care generated by Fig Health Pediatrics, whether created by our personnel or your personal doctor or healthcare provider. It outlines how we utilize and disclose your protected health information and explains your rights and our obligations concerning its use and disclosure.


How We May Use and Disclose Protected Health Information About You:

Below are the categories describing how we may use and disclose your protected health information without your written authorization:

For Treatment:

  • We may use your protected health information to provide, coordinate, or manage your medical treatment or services.

  • Your information may be disclosed to healthcare professionals involved in your care, including Fig Health Pediatrics staff and external parties involved in your medical treatment.

  • We may contact you to remind you of scheduled appointments or to discuss treatment options.

For Payment for Services:

  • Your protected health information may be used to bill for and collect payment for the services provided to you.

  • Information may be shared with your health plan for billing purposes or to obtain prior approval for treatment.

For Health Care Operations:

  • We may use your protected health information for Fig Health Pediatrics' health care operations, such as quality assessment, case management, and customer service.

  • This information may be combined with data from other patients to improve services and reduce healthcare costs.

  • Fig Health Pediatrics personnel may review and use this information for learning purposes and to ensure quality care delivery.

As Required By Law:

  • We will disclose protected health information about you when required by federal, state, or local law.


  • Your protected health information may be disclosed to researchers with approved research proposals to ensure privacy.


Your Rights Regarding Protected Health Information About You:

You have certain rights concerning your protected health information, including the right to:

  • Inspect and copy your health information.

  • Request amendments to your information.

  • Receive an accounting of disclosures.

  • Request restrictions on certain uses and disclosures.

  • Request confidential communications.

  • Obtain a paper copy of this notice at any time.

Other Uses and Disclosures:

We will obtain your written authorization before using or disclosing your information for purposes other than those outlined in this notice.


Filing a Complaint:

If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a complaint with Fig Health Pediatrics or with the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.


Acknowledgement of Receipt of HIPAA Privacy Notice.

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Ph: 860-375-5088

Fax: 860-590-2030


2928 Main St, Suite 10

Glastonbury, CT 06033

© 2024 All Rights Reserved. FIG HEALTH NETWORK LLC. Copyright

We do not collect or share mobile information for third parties/affiliates or marketing/promotional purposes. 

All the above categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties

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